Wow. What must be wrong with a person who is attractive, wealthy and famous that he feels the need to make a series like Two and a half men?
To me the show is a portrait of an individual who is suffering from deeply ingrained misogyny and profound esteem issues. I find the show embarrassing for the guy and here’s why:
He doesn’t act. He just sits there and makes dry one liners. He needs another character who is presented as physically unattractive, impotent, a dweeb, socially and sexually inept to make him look good. Then we have the show presenting him as the object of desire for endless streams of women whom he has constant sex with. Does he have STDs? Doesn’t he get bored? Why isn’t he panicking about the deep vacousness of his life – oh yeah I forgot – the alcohol and drug fueled sex binges – he is.
I know the show was made to appeal to the lowest common denominator – emotionally retarded, misogynists. We get phrases like “He did not tap that” “I’d tap that” where the “that” is used in it’s teenage male sense to refer to – a female. Note – teenage – Charlie is over 40. Uh oh, a 40 year old sporting the sexual identity and attitudes of a teenage boy = saddo.
By the way misogynist means hatred of women and I bet a great swathe of the show’s audience including its star think they just love women. So how does the show portray women – they are sexualized, dumb, crazy, neurotic or overweight and ballsy. Of course the likelihood of Charlie’s character/actual self getting hooked up with an attractive but intelligent woman who’s not suffering from deep self esteem issues is virtually nonexistent. And that’s the thing; Charlie is a great big vacuous hole in the middle of the show. He does nothing except basically parasitize the other actors who, but for their need for a star audience puller – would hold the show better without him.
As far as acting contribution, or contribution to anything of value for that matter, is concerned, the “half” of the title obviously refers to Sheen.
Agree 110%. And Charlie has proved your points really hasn’t he, with his recent very sad and embarrassing posturing. I think he’s actually mentally ill. Poor Charlie.
But where has he gone? Haven’t heard anything about him lately. My bus goes along K. Rd and I saw in one of the sex shops an advert for a Charlie Sheen blow-up doll. My mind is still trying to figure this one. Maybe it’s a Charlie Sheen doll that angry women can ritually “blow up”, like, explode!